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What is Video Production for Promoting Your Brand? Why Has it become a Need?

The television was invented in the late 19th and early 20th century, and the TV and the birth of moving pictures that had preceded it was revolutionary. What would take humans hours to read, was now conveyable in minutes! As time went on, the internet was created, and with all the easily accessible information, humans started losing their patience in acquiring information; they wanted information to be dressed in flashy clothes, and their attention-span did not allow for the information to be too long. That’s where the market for video production came, and the question of ‘what is video production’ became a common Google search.

Video production is the art of creating videos. It is often under the name of film-making and involves strategic planning and execution that may sometimes take years. It is essentially the making of the video and using it to convey a message that is to be understandable by the audience you are transmitting the message to.

Why is video so important in marketing?

As mentioned earlier, the attention span of the current generation has shortened. This is in no way a bad thing, rather, it is human nature adapting to the needs of this fast-paced society. No one has the time to read long, wordy articles, and everyone prefers to watch it in a video, preferably a flashy, short one.

Think of this as equivalent to watching movies that are based on books; not many people have the time and energy, and patience, to read books, even though they may truly enjoy the story- they would rather just watch the story condensed in a three-hour movie.

Research says that more than 50% of clients would prefer their brands to be video marketed, followed by emails. So make sure you add video marketing to your digital marketing plan.

Although this can easily be done by contacting any digital marketing agency in digital marketing dubai or elsewhere who will help you add video marketing to your digital marketing plan, you also have the option to do it yourself by getting creative and picking the ideal video marketing plan for your business.

What are the different types of videos?

The creativity of man knows no bounds, and when a medium is created for artists, they like to explore it. So, naturally, artists have created different types of videos to project their content through. Here are some examples:

  1. Vlogs, or video blogs, are engaging and they come off as authentic. They allow people to form emotional connections with artists or video creators.
  2. Interviews are professional ways to put your product through and are informative and appealing. They also can be a way to generate content faster, because having new guests on is easier than having to brainstorm every single time.
  3.  The webinar, or a seminar on a website, is just as it sounds. It is proficient and educational, and a great way to put your ideas through with the approval of experts.
  4. Presentations can be great if you have a complex product or an idea that you would like to go deep into explaining the working of the product/idea. Ted Talks are extremely popular and are an example of presentations.
  5. Tutorials are the secret behind some of the most famous makeup brands, like Huda Beauty makeup brand. They work with a simple phenomenon: viewers value actionable insights. Digital marketing her makeup skills, and the fact that she was authentic was appreciable to her audience, and they trusted her advice enough to buy her products.
  6. Production review has been around since the time of black and white TV. It is as simple as it sounds, you have to review tech or products, and give your honest opinion about your experience surrounding the tech or product.

Animations are funny, catchy, and they can almost always catch the attention of the viewer. They amass great audiences of all ages and can be pivotal in marketing to younger audiences.

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